Precursor Unleash “Thick & Thin” Album

Vancouver pop punk supergroup Precursor have released their latest full-length, Thick & Thin, that is out now via Bandcamp and streaming platforms. Known for their eclectic blend of punk, skatepunk, softcore, melodic hardcore and pop punk influences, Precursor promises fans an exhilarating musical journey reminiscent of bands like Lifetime, The Story So Far, Kid Dynamite, Piebald, A Wilhelm Scream, Daggermouth, Carpenter and Gob. Originally conceived as a defiant response to the prevailing indie trends, Precursor emerged as a side project uniting talents from Daggermouth, End This Week With Knives, Carpenter, All State Champion, The Fullblast and In Bear Country. Drawing inspiration from the hardcore punk ethos of the 1990s, the band have garnered attention for their high-energy perfor...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon