Oli Sykes has told Kerrang! that, following Bring Me The Horizon’s new album POST HUMAN: NeX GEn, the band “feel like we can do whatever we want” with their future material. In this week’s exclusive Cover Story, the frontman teases that Horizon have got “bits and bobs” already in the bag for the third instalment in their four-part POST HUMAN series, and he knows the plan for this next record after NeX GEn. He also believes that this newest LP has given them more freedom, and that they were able to itch certain creatives scratches that previously they didn’t feel able to. “[Some things in the past were] very straight-laced and stern-faced,” Oli explains of what NeX GEn has done for them. “You wouldn’t be getting those tongue-in-cheek lyrics like you do on maybe Dear Diary...