New Yorkers Nefariant on Type O Negative Comparisons and Why They Re-recorded ‘Fowl’

Seasoned veterans of the U.S. metal scene, the members of Nefariant joined forces in 2019 recently putting out their new EP, Fowl. It’s an EP that not only saw their video producer Frankie Nasso compare the band to goth metal legends Type O Negative, but also one that saw the group re-record having scrapped the original records. Having heard the re-recorded version, we spoke to vocalist Jason Lekberg to find out what they thought of the comparison and why they chose to re-record the EP. Thanks for your time. How is life treating you? Jason Lekberg: “Thank you for taking the time as well! All things considered, my year hasn’t been too bad. I’ve had dealings with the pandemic but was fortunate to not have them as badly as others. The highlight has definitely been continuing to grow with the ...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon