MOLASSESS – Death Is (Official Music Video)

Listen to the new single from psychedelic rock formation Molassess, "Death Is", taken from the forthcoming album "Through the Hollow". Release Date: October 16, 2020. Molassess were beckoned to life as a commissioned performance for the 2019 edition of Roadburn Festival, five years after The Devil's Blood was laid to rest. The band is not a continuation of a buried past, nor a celebration of a cherished collaborator, but a culmination of heartache and a rediscovery of rage and the relighting of a fire that never really burned out. ► Order here: #molassess #throughthehollow #roadburnfestival #thedevilsblood Visuals: S. de Jager and Ioana Tomici Subscribe to Season Of Mist for new releases : Follow Molassess: https://www.fac...

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