Mo Motiv Revive “Never Ending Cloudy Day”

Veteran punk rock and emo band No Motiv has released a newly re-recorded version of Never Ending Cloudy Day, via Wiretap Records, the song originally featured on the band’s 1996 album, Cynical. Revisiting this early piece of their history, the band breathes new life into a track that remains just as relevant today as it was nearly three decades ago. “This song is pretty old. I think it was about 1995 or so. I just remember there was a lot of homophobia growing up around my hometown. Friends and older brothers, even dads were always calling people homos and fags in a derogatory way. My brother was gay, so it was very abrasive for me to hear people talk so shallow and cheaply about people they don’t even know. I guess I just got sick of hearing talk like that, so naturally,...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon