With their debut album rapidly approaching Micko & The Mellotronics have revealed ‘Psychedelic Shirt‘, another cut from the upcoming full length. Dressing to impress, the new single is paired with a brightly coloured and bespoke animated video that needs to be seen. In a true coming-of-age tale that unfolds like an episode of The Inbetweeners set in the 1980s, ‘Psychedelic Shirt‘ takes us back to an era where the culturally cool was at loggerheads with Thatcherite careerism, an era where tribalism was rife, and no-less-so than on the dancefloors of the local disco. Micko & The Mellotronics will release their debut album “½ Dove – ½ Pigeon” into the wild on the 27th November via Landline Records. You can stream ‘Psychedelic Shirt‘...