Sarcophagus - Cleopatra Experience (Medjay)7 de mar. de 2022Death always causes astonishment, we are beings who have difficulty dealing with our passing. That's the reason for so many rites, funeral cults in order to try to ease the pain of death and also gives hope of continuity in the post-mortem. But what will we in fact leave behind? What will we take on our journey to the afterlife? The Egyptians left messages in the sarcophagi, with sayings that marked the history of the deceased. One´s Life Story is the only thing the individual leaves behind when he/she dies. So, what will be written in our sarcophagi? ... A morte sempre causa espanto, somos seres com dificuldade de lidar com nossa finitude, por isso os ritos, cultos fúnebres a fim de tentar amenizar a dor da partida e também dar e...