Old school death metal masters MASSACRE's upcoming album RESURGENCE will be released on October 22nd via Nuclear Blast Records. Today, they release a new album trailer in which founder and vocalist Kam Lee discusses the first single THE INNSMOUTH STRAIN. Watch the full visualizer for THE INNSMOUTH STRAIN today https://youtu.be/ei3c7aOjVFM Subscribe to Nuclear Blast: http://nblast.de/NBytb Order RESURGENCE at: http://www.nuclearblast.com/massacre-...Stream songs from RESURGENCE at: http://nblast.de/MassacreResurgenceDSP Follow MASSACRE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MassacrefloridaTwitter: https://twitter.com/band_massacreInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/massacre_ba...YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS8a... MASSACRE IS: Kam Lee - Vocals Michael Borders - Bass Rogga Johanss...