MAGNITUDE veröffentlichen neues Album „Of Days Renewed…“

Magnitude werden am 22.September 2023 ihr zweites Studioalbum Of Days Renewed… veröffentlichen. Der Nachfolger zum Debüt der Band, To Whatever Fateful End (2019), erscheint erneut über Triple B Records. Sänger Russell Bussey zu den acht neuen Songs, die von John Howard im Warhouse Recordings in Gainesville gemixt wurden: A very common theme on this record is the idea of facing the reality of something discouraging, saddening, or angering, and fighting to discover a thought process to motivate me to find something constructive or to find a way to keep myself moving forward. The goal is to achieve an authentic sense of inspiration or hope that’s not hollow or blissfully ignorant to the reality of the hardships that surround us within our existence in this complicated world. Neben der Trackli...

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