Let’s Go, so quite literally lets go listen to this band from Kamloops (what a great name for a town) Canada’s sophomore album ‘Smile’. This is a band that genuinely don’t like sticking to a genre or giving us the listener a chance to settle and think “aha got them now, I know what this music is”, because that’s just not gonna happen, the moment you thunk they have just given you a heavy hardcore laden track that flashes past at the speed of light, like ‘Rectified’ for example, then they hit you with a kind of hardcore/rock/metal cross over in ‘State Of Decay’. But then some call this Skate Punk, I personally call it “headfuck shit”, a musical wonderland of all the things you like in one place, what’s not to like right. Born in 2018, it does seem a little odd that this is a band that wa...