Kublai Khan’s Matt Honeycutt: The 10 songs that changed my life

What tracks have made Matt Honeycutt who he is today? The Kublai Khan vocalist dives back into his musical past and finds some very surprising gems… The Supremes – Baby Love “My mother used to sing it to me as a very young boy, and it has always been my earliest memory of music.” Randy Newman – You’ve Got A Friend In Me “There’s many songs, but I’d have to say the top is You’ve Got A Friend In Me. Toy Story was in my top three as a little boy, and that song will always make me sing anytime, anywhere.” The Early November – Every Night’s Another Story “Basically anything off The Early November​’s acoustic record [2003’s The Acoustic EP]. That bit of music impacted me at a very pivotal point in my development. Still to this day, the song Every Night’s Anothe...

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