Kandalini Drop Self Titled Debut EP

Australia’s Kandalini have today released their self titled debut EP that features a collection of songs that encompasses so much of who they are as a band and the essence of their live shows. Trying to define the Kandalini sound is no easy feats the embrace punk, surf, slacker, indie, grunge, garage and hard rock, let’s just say all the above and then some. The EP’s five songs contain ripping solos, monster riffs and brutal drumming, the EP ranges from an infectious pop punk banger to a seven minute rock epic and a melodic grunge odyssey, and somehow manages to fill all the spaces in between. “These are songs we’ve wanted to get out into the world for some time. They’ve lived on through massive changes in our personal lives; all the ups and downs over the years, various lifest...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon