Joey Valence & Brae: “Every show we play is like a giant house party”

“Right here is the perfect example of the difference between mine and Brae’s personality”, declares Joey Valence. He’s describing the works of art that are their bedrooms, two showpieces of colour and chaos visible in the background as they speak to Kerrang! via Zoom. In Joey’s corner, his bright yellow Pokémon duvet cover takes centre stage, with various collector’s items dispersed around his bedside shelf. Brae (born Braeden Lugue), on the other hand, has a wall display of his shoe collection, each one carefully and symmetrically arranged in a majestic formation. ​“They’re all floating right now,” he gestures, discussing how his superpowers can summon one down whenever he feels so inclined. It’s flawlessly clean, while Joey is surprised he’s even managed to make his bed th...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon