Here’s your fuckin’ Top 13 Halloween playlist with no fuckin’ Misfits allowed

It’s Halloween. Fuck yeah. The one thing stopping the horrors of Christmas sliding into Summer and taking over the whole year.We need to keep Halloween sacred. And I don’t mean in a mispronouncing Samhain kinda manner (it’s pronounced ‘Samhain’, by the way). I mean in the kinda way where we lean hard into the sleaze and sluttiness and fun and excuses to dress how we normally dress but without needing that excuse and fuck that’s an awful sentence but fuck you I’m full of the joys of Halloween so grammar and comprehensibility rules are now suspended alongside the rules about not wearing spooky contact lenses and fake (though convincing) fangs and letting your fingernails grow into claws (except of course *those* ones if you’re in a relationship...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon