Gerard Way To Feature In Virtual Comic-Con Panel This Month

It’s a good time to be a Gerard Way fan right now. If the arrival of the musician’s brand-new song Here Comes The End last week wasn’t enough, you will be able to catch him discussing one of his other huge passions in life – comics – during a virtual panel for this month’s annual Comic-Con. Gerard will star in the Dark Horse All-Stars panel alongside Nnedi Okorafor and Matt Kindt on July 25 from 12pm PDT – and you’ll be able to watch it right here. A short description of this roundtable discussion reveals: “Three of the industry’s best creators including Gerard Way (co-creator of The Umbrella Academy) Nnedi Okorafor (co-creator of LaGuardia), and Matt Kindt (co-creator of BANG!) gather for a roundtable discussion about characters, the writing proces...

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