Gaffa Tape Sandy – Hold My Hand, God Damn It

What’s in a name, well in Gaffa Tape Sandy’s case that is something that’s open to interpretation, it certainly isn’t on the same wavelength as Hewhocannotbenamed’s ode to adhesive tape, Duct Tape Love, but as far as a band name goes you aren’t given many clues as to what to expect. What you have on Hold On My Hand, God Damn It is a band dealing with the deterioation of the world and their own personal trauma, such as internal romantic break ups, the pandemic and the imminent arrival of their 30’s. My sympathy is limited on the latter as that’s a distant memory from my perspective and turning 30 isn’t the end of the world, but the first two are certainly no fun. Prior to their debut full length Gaffa Tape Sandy’s back catalogue is a steady run of EP’s and singles, so it’s a credit to...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon