From Indian Lakes, RX Bandits, Velvet Teen members form Hard Chiller (listen)

Not only are From Indian Lakes releasing their first album in 5 years this month, band leader Joe Vann has also teamed up with RX Bandits/The Sound of Animals Fighting/The Chinkees guitarist Steve Choi for a new project called Hard Chiller. On the band’s debut EP Heavy Cell, the core duo is rounded out by drummer Casey Deitz (The Velvet Teen) and bassist Roger Camero (No Motiv), the same rhythm section that Steve played with in the supergroup Peace’d Out (which has The Movielife/I Am the Avalanche’s Vinnie Caruana singing). “When Steve hit me up to sing on some songs, I was hyped to just sing over someone else’s riffs without having to come up with any instrumentation,” Joe says. “This was my first time doing that since being in bands as a teenager. What...


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