Friendly Rich Premieres His Dark Folk Opus ‘Man Out of Time’

Dark and weird in all of the right ways, Friendly Rich is an artist that is “out there,” and we mean that in the most complimentary way possible. Conjuring up his best set of dark and deranged folk songs, the singer-songwriter has returned with his brand new studio full-length Out of Time, due out on March 31st via We Are Busy Bodies. There are very few artists who can hit on the type of sound and vibe that Rich is after with this songwriting project because it’s unique in all of the ways that it’s hard to be unique in. Anyone can try to be oft-beat or eccentric, but to make the pieces fit is another thing.  Speaking about the album, rich shares: “To gain the support of Toronto label We Are Busy Bodies is a great honour to me, it’s nice to be a little less alone in this silly music ...

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