Punk Rock Raduno has announced its lineup for this year. The Gories, Mean Jeans, The Ergs, Grade 2, M.O.T.O, Gli Ultimi, Detroit Cobras, The Yum Yums, The Jasons, Zatopeks, Jagger Holiday, Sweatpants Party, Crummy Stuff, Depressing Claim, Crocodiles, Semprefreski, Home Alone, The Odorants, Andrea Manges and the Veterans, Neon Bone, Riccobellis, Slang Poor Kids, Jaguero, The Carmines, 7 Years Bad Luck, Ratbones, MaDDaM, Stiglitz, Civic-50, Useless4, L.O.P.S., Mando Senzabenza, Gab de la Vega, and Menagramo will be playing the festival. Punk Rock Raduno will take place on July 11-14 in Bergamo, Italy.