Erotic Secrets Of Pompeii – Mondo Maleficum

The Punk Site tends to attract bands from the ragged edges of the punk scene, from raw garage punk to the experimental end of post punk and beyond, we try to cover it all. Maybe this is because we have people spread over four countries, who between them have a love for everything from the garage punk of the 60’s, through the original punk explosion and onwards, to the current scene where punk has flourished and diversified to the point where it has become a genre where constraints are few, and you can no longer easily define exactly what it is. In that spirit I give you Bristol, UK’s Erotic Secrets Of Pompeii and their self released debut album, Mondo Maleficum. Make no mistake Erotic Secrets Of Pompeii are leftfield, about as leftfield as you can get without leaving the stadium. The...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon