EP Review: Das Ghoul – Video Nasty

The recent release of ‘The Video Nasty EP’ by Oxford’s Das Ghoul follows last Halloween’s album release of ‘Noise Das Noire’. The quartet describe their music as “sharp, fast paced, dark humour horrorpunkrock’n’roll laced with a gothic feel.” And they have a fetish for masks. Over the past couple of months the band has received airplay on underground radio such as ‘Alyx Plays Punk’ and ‘Not The Punk Rock Show’.                                                               The EP itself opens with ‘Behind the Cobweb Veil’ an atmospheric, gothic showcase for the delicate, twinkling keywork of Octavia Von Wakeman. It acts only as an introduction really, before the band come out in full with the revved-up riffs of ‘Video Nasty’ itself; vocalist/guitarist Craig The Plague summons im...

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