DS Review: Karina goes to NOFX’s Final Tour (?) at Hatfield!

Put your hands up if you follow me on Instagram. Okay, cool. Well then, you know that I also attended and took some pictures at the show. Because why the fuck not? If you don’t follow me on Instagram, you missed some epic stories last weekend. So, let us begin. Thanks to England’s public transportation and their great job at CANCELLING trains, I missed The Meffs, and most of Get Dead, which I looked forward to but arrived at the end of the set. Oh well, another time – I hope. To be honest, Get Dead sounded so fucking good. I need more Get Dead in my life. Comeback Kid Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii have to admit that I’ve never given this band the attention that they rightfully claimed Sunday the 28th in Hatfield. Now, for those that aren’t familiar with Comeback Kid, their...

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