DS Original Material: Top Nine Queer Songs for Straight Old Punks

Hello everyone. This is my first feature for Dying Scene. So, to break things in gently I thought I’d do a simple listicle. A Top Ten type thing. They’re easy, right? I can just do a list of links to some stuff that I’m into right now and try to link it with some sort of loose theme? That’s playing on Easy Mode. Yeah. Let’s go.Except… fuck… this is a punk site and I made it through the initial gatekeeping process for contributors by pretending I got the site editors’ jokes about Pennywise, I’m really out of the loop about most punk bands and music that’s around right now. Are Pennywise even a right-now thing? I mean… I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them play at a festival when I was so wasted I was ordering slushies from the ice-cream van and then taking them to the bar and asking them to add vo...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon