NEWS 2023/09/02
The list of things that can get in the way of a band releasing new music out into the world is a long and winding one. Band member changes, creative lulls, global pandemics, Adele misreading the market and pressing like 500,000 copies of an album that’s destined for thrift store shelves, national social and political unrest, record labels going belly-up at the last minute due to the indiscretions of someone in their orbit, etc. Or, if you’re Boston punks Rebuilder, some combination of all of the above. In what I guess is the interest of full disclosure, I’ve known and been friendly with the foursome (Sal Ellington and Craig Stanton -vocals/guitar, Daniel Carswell – bass, and Brandon Phillips – drums) that is the core of Rebuilder for just about as long as Rebu...
Foo Fighters
1.This Is a Call 2.I'll Stick Around 3.Big Me 4.Alone + Easy Target 5.Good Grief 6.Floaty 7.Weenie Beenie 8.Oh, George 9.For All the Cows 10.X-Static 11.Wattershed 12.Exhausted
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NEWS 2023/09/02
The list of things that can get in the way of a band releasing new music out into the world is a long and winding one. Band member changes, creative lulls, global pandemics, Adele misreading the market and pressing like 500,000 copies of an album that’s destined for thrift store shelves, national social and political unrest, record labels going belly-up at the last minute due to the indiscretions of someone in their orbit, etc. Or, if you’re Boston punks Rebuilder, some combination of all of the above. In what I guess is the interest of full disclosure, I’ve known and been friendly with the foursome (Sal Ellington and Craig Stanton -vocals/guitar, Daniel Carswell – bass, and Brandon Phillips – drums) that is the core of Rebuilder for just about as long as Rebu...
Foo Fighters
1.This Is a Call 2.I'll Stick Around 3.Big Me 4.Alone + Easy Target 5.Good Grief 6.Floaty 7.Weenie Beenie 8.Oh, George 9.For All the Cows 10.X-Static 11.Wattershed 12.Exhausted