HAIL, CAPTAIN GENOCIDE - 1st single from upcoming album "RECIPE OF HATE (The Holy Bible)" due to be released on March 11th, 2022 via Cogumelo Records. Subscribe Now!! Order CDs, T-shirt and a lot more: Official band Website: http://www.drowned.com.br/Official Label Website: https://cogumelorecords.loja2.com.br/Official USA Website: https://www.greyhazerecords.com/ VIDEO CREDITS: Filmed by BRUNO VAVOSE Directed and Edited by VIDJOW Grip/Production Assistant: FERNANDO ROGER Audio: Recorde and Produced by DROWNED Mixed and Mastered by MARCOS AMORIM Tour bus: CAROL PORTO Making of: KELL REIS Backline Support: ALAN WALLACE Costume, location, gun & more: Bill & Porto FOLLOW DROWNED: http://www.drowned.com.brhttp://www.facebook.com/DrownedMetalhttps://www.instagram.com/drowned_band/https:...