Dollar Signs break down every track on new LP ‘Legend Tripping’

Dollar Signs released their new album Legend Tripping last week, and it’s a raw, catchy, emotional punk album with everything from Thin Lizzy solos to ska parts–fans of Jeff Rosenstock and Titus Andronicus should take note. You can read more about it in Notable Releases, and for a much deeper dive into the album, singer/songwriter Erik Button has given us a track-by-track breakdown. Read on for what he had to say, and pick up a vinyl copy of the album from Self Aware Records. Legend Tripping by Dollar Signs — DOLLAR SIGNS’ TRACK-BY-TRACK BREAKDOWN OF LEGEND TRIPPING “Can’t Go Home Again” This song, and you’ll see a pattern here, came together very slowly and then all at once. Once I had landed on this overarching idea of a hometown record and coming back...


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