The space-metal/sci-fi duo Hyperwülff, an intergalactic entity hailing from planet Erion IX, is back with their new album “Volume 3: Burrowing Kingdoms”, coming up on December 9th via Overdrive Records. The Sarge (guitars, vocals, synthesizers) and The Wülff (drums, synthesizers) came to Earth to tell the epic of the mighty spirit of The Hyperwülff through the power of The Riff. Since 2013, they have released three full-length albums, two EPs, and an interactive adventure. Now, they are ready to unleash the Volume 3 dubbed Burrowing Kingdoms. Volume 3: Burrowing Kingdoms brings The Sarge and The Wülff to the abandoned planet Ktolon, where they will find the remains of an ancient civilization and meet a mysterious presence inhabiting the depths of the planet. Volume Three: Burro...