Disney+ have announced that the premiere date for the highly-anticipated Obi-Wan Kenobi series has been pushed back. The show will now debut on Friday, May 27 instead of Wednesday, May 25 – but to make up for that little two-day delay, Disney+ will be airing the first two episodes together, instead of just the first. Announcing the news via Disney’s socials, Obi-Wan himself Ewan McGregor said in a video, “Thank you for all your incredible support and response to Obi Wan-Kenobi… Our premiere date is moving just a couple of days, from Wednesday to Friday, May 27.” But then he added the “exciting part”, which is that Star Wars fans will get the first two episodes (out of the full six) in one go, which is a pretty good compromise, eh?! The synopsis for Obi-...