NEWS 2021/05/04
You chose wisely today, visiting this webpage you’re on right now to check out the latest single from a very exciting vintage rock outfit. The outfit in question is Frame 42, and their latest single “Choose Wisely,” a song that pretty much encapsulates everything this band is about. From the classic melodies and guitars to the ‘70s style folksy vocals, “Choose Wisely” would serve as an ideal introduction to what Frame 42 is all about. They are a group of purveyors of the classic, ‘70s rock sound and vibe, revitalizers of a time in rock history where every band seemed to be (and turned out to be) legendary. The song, off of the forthcoming Undercroft EP, due out June 11th, focuses on toxic relationships and the redemption that can come from them, especially for people who tend to attract ot...
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