Bothers Unleash Sophomore Album “II” Via Dirt Cult Records

Portland, Oregon’s Bothers have just released their sophomore full length, II, via Dirt Cult Records. The band’s self-titled debut album was a concise and raging lesson in relentless punk ‘n’ roll, with tips of the hat to bands like Motörhead and Hot Snakes. II marks a new era for the band. Heavier and more expansive, the album ventures into the realm of metalic hardcore with fiercesome riffing and dynamic tempo changes. The melodic intensity of their first release remains, resulting in an album that calls to mind influences like Tragedy, Laughing Hyenas, Jesus lizard, Neurosis and Born Against.  “When you decide it’s finally time to strip naked, scarf a fistful of peyote buttons, and drive an ’82 Cadillac Cutlass deep into the desert in the middle...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon