Album Review: Rad Max – Straight To Video

Remember the eighties? Portland, OR’s Rad Max clearly do, or they have at least immersed themselves in the decade that taste forgot as “Straight to Video” is a sub 30 minute love letter to that era, more specifically the movies of the eighties. A passing glance at the artwork for “Straight To Video” would convince you this album is approaching middle age, it might not be, but the album’s subject matter certainly is. This is a band that clearly hold the eighties in high esteem, this might be confusing for those of that lived through it, but it was a decade that left a lasting imprint on culture, and on Rad Max.  The first track to hit you is ‘Flix From 86‘ and it does hit you, with 27 eighties movie references in less than three minutes of gloriously dorky pop ...

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