Album review: Prince Daddy & The Hyena – Prince Daddy & The Hyena

In a way, it’s fitting that Prince Daddy & The Hyena​’s third album dares to be as eclectic as it is. Ambitious lyrics call for ambitious music, and what’s more ambitious than an album that wants to explore death, the fear of its inevitable arrival and every emotion that will be felt before it happens? On paper, it’s full of promise, but in practice it isn’t everything it hopes to be.  Beyond the rather confusing juxtaposition of ambient opener Adore The Sun and the rugged yet still accomplished blitz of punk’n’roll that is A Random Exercise In Impermanence, the first half of the album doesn’t feature a great deal to latch onto. Watery mid-tempo number Something Special is unfortunately the polar opposite of its title, and the dissonant Hollow, As You Figu...

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