Album review: Ophidian I – Desolate

Iceland is full of hidden gems, and technical death metallers Ophidian I managed to slip under the radar nine years ago when releasing debut album Solvet Saeclum, which seems ridiculous considering their line-up comprises members of Helfró, Beneath, Une Misère and Atrum. Thankfully, they’ve returned with follow-up Desolate, a record that will doubtless earn them the following they deserve. Ordinarily when a band plays fast it’s to the detriment of the music’s quality, however that’s certainly not the case here. The complexity of the riffs is immediate, despite the breakneck speed they’re played at, complemented by percussion that’s so tight it sounds almost inhuman. The juxtaposition between the sophistication of the guitars and the primeval nature of the guttural, ro...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon