Album Review: Midwife – Luminol

Standing alone and wrapped in a warm blanket on a suspiciously abandoned street corner, while both wondering where everybody went and feeling a gnawing, emotional churn inside—that’s what Luminol, the new album from Midwife, sounds like, and listening through the record proves to be a profoundly moving experience. Luminol appears to deal with an intense version of emotional surreality—it’s unsettled, but gently so, and it’s unsettling, yet poignant.  Midwife is the atmospheric, slowcore project of multi-instrumentalist Madeline Johnston, and across Luminol—which is available now via The Flenser—Johnston utilizes an invitingly warm palette of sounds. Where other shoegaze-adjacent artists might opt for something closer to a wall of sound, Johnston’s often-trance-like compositions repeatedly ...


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