Album Review: Marissa Paternoster – Peace Meter

It starts out all echoey. I’m instantly beset by this intense, rich sound design. Marissa Paternoster’s trill on White Dove brings to mind the ethereal prog-pop of Kate Bush, Hannah Fury or Sophe Lux. As we move from the White Dove to the second track Black Hole, I’m reminded somewhat of Marianne Nowottny’s more alt-new wave, post-punk work. Also like Nowottny, in addition to being a musical artist, she works as a visual artist as well. Elements of electronica and again a sort of neo-retro vibe that’s a bit new wave but not quite, appears and reappears. There’s also a hint of Blonde Redhead in there somewhere, but I can’t put my finger on exactly where. In addition to her incredible vibrato, the droning, the layers and crisp acoustic rhythm guitar ...


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