Album review: Florence Black – Weight Of The World

Most anyone who’s caught Florence Black onstage in recent years has left the venue asking the same question: ​‘How can three Valley Boys from Merthyr Tydfil kick up such an ear-smashing, gut-bothering racket?!’ Aptly-titled debut album Weight Of The World manages spectacularly to commit that sensation to record, delivering 10 tracks of no-nonsense, rough-edged hard rock with maximum firepower and zero frills. Their three EPs so far might’ve already captured the imaginations of the more discerning members of the UK underground, but this is a set of songs capable of putting them on the radars of old-school rockers around the world. Raucous opener Zulu sets out the stall early with 40 seconds of ominous ambience before being kicked through by some enormous riffs and swagge...

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