There is comfort to be found in the deepest darkness. Even joy, sometimes. Such is the philosophy behind the acerbic second album from Calligram. In recent interviews, the London-based collective have suggested that Position | Momentum was influenced by the skate punk of Turnstile, the murky beats of British rap supremo Headie One and the freeform experimentation of jazz legend Miles Davis. Dig beneath the outer crust of razor-wire riffage and abominable blastbeats here, and that kind of inspired open-mindedness will reveal itself. Of course, these eight songs work on a more straightforward level, too. Picking up where they left off with excellent 2020 debut The Eye Is The First Circle, Latin-titled compositions like Sur Dolore (‘In Pain’) and Frantumi In Itinere (‘Crushed On The...
There is comfort to be found in the deepest darkness. Even joy, sometimes. Such is the philosophy behind the acerbic second album from Calligram. In recent interviews, the London-based collective have suggested that Position | Momentum was influenced by the skate punk of Turnstile, the murky beats of British rap supremo Headie One and the freeform experimentation of jazz legend Miles Davis. Dig beneath the outer crust of razor-wire riffage and abominable blastbeats here, and that kind of inspired open-mindedness will reveal itself. Of course, these eight songs work on a more straightforward level, too. Picking up where they left off with excellent 2020 debut The Eye Is The First Circle, Latin-titled compositions like Sur Dolore (‘In Pain’) and Frantumi In Itinere (‘Crushed On The...