Everything’s on fire. Metaphorically that’s been the case for a while now, but now it’s literally the case as well. We’ve really done a number on this place. Earth is about four-and-a-half billion years old, and in the last 200 or so, we’ve really bollocksed it up. Enormous, all-encompassing, systemic change is what is needed to sustain life on the planet and undo some of the damage we’ve caused. Detailed plans need to be drawn up, and if you want to stick something on while doing so, go for it… This Is GWAR You can’t not love GWAR. Even if you don’t like GWAR, you have to appreciate the sheer fucking going-for-it-ness of them, spending almost four decades in codpieces and painted-on abs throughout umpteen line-up changes and fairly minimal commercial success. Dave Brockie, ...