NEWS 2020/04/14
Last November, Yungblud played to 5,000-people-and-change at London’s O2 Academy Brixton. Big night, lad, big night. We were there, and can confirm it was killer. But while you should always take our word for things, you don’t have to anymore in this instance, as he’s put the whole thing online for you to watch.“I was getting so frustrated that I can’t play a show and connect to my fan base,” said Yungblud. “We were brainstorming ideas, and I remembered we had a bunch of people filming the Brixton show, so my team stayed up for a couple days editing it together. If we can’t go to a live show, I’m gonna bring one to them. “This was one of the best nights of my life. A night that I wanted to relive with my fans once again.” Once again, can confirm...
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