Industry Insider: Erin Barra-Jean (Director of Popular Music at ASU) Discusses Education & Music

There are many facets and components of the music industry that you don’t readily consider, such as Erin Barra-Jean’s role as an organizer and an educator. Amongst her many roles, Barra-Jean is the Director of Popular Music at Arizona State University. She is also the founder and organizer of Phoenix’s Music Industry Career Conference. An authority on music, technology, and education, Barra-Jean has accumulated a lot of experience in developing and teaching curriculums at open-source, K-12, and collegiate levels. Many of these courses are among the most popular and highest-rated on their respective platforms. In addition to all of that, Barra-Jean is also a talented songwriter, producer, and instrumentalist. Barra-Jean has also accumulated a lot of experience working as a community organiz...

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