Froggy, Dissidents, At Night, and Billy Play Brooke’s Bon Voyage in Philly TOMORROW!!!

Get tickets right HERE!!!! TOMORROW IS THE BEST SHOW OF THE YEAR!!! Froggy is going to headline their last show for a long while in Philly!!! Froggy bassist/singer Brooke is moving to Japan for a while! So, we're throwing a bon voyage party for the band. When will Brooke be back? Who knows?! This will be your last chance to see Froggy for a long time! Plus, we have a killer stacked bill, too! The Dissidents are also playing! Dissidents kick out savage, political punk rock and, in addition to singer Rachel C, include Bill of The Pist, Jeanine and Nicole of Witch Hunt, and Shawn of Mischief Brew! PLUS, At Night is playing! At Night is the ultra-witchy anarcho-punk band that features members of Callowhill and Witch Hunt!> PLUS, as an extra special treat, Billy is opening the show! Billy is th...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon