Letterkenny presents a night of stand-up comedy featuring comedians from the popular award-winning Crave and Hulu Original series Letterkenny. Brought to you by Puppers Golden Lager and New Metric Media, the live comedy tour features stand-up from comedians in the Letterkenny family. Headlined by the always hilarious Mark Forward (Coach), the show also features stand-up sets by Jeff McEnery (Alexander) and Letterkenny writer Allie Pearse. Letterkenny writer Olivia Stadler will also appear in select shows. After a limited run in 2023, the comedy tour will hit cities across North America from early February through April 2024. Tickets and VIP Packages for all dates go on sale to the general public Friday, December 15 at 10 am local; get your tickets HERE. Ticket sales will begin with the art...