Death Cassette not “death to the cassette” (actually making a resurgence) as I wrongly read it as when I first got this EP to caress my ears with, are a grunge punk band from Canada, Winnipeg to be more precise. I have to be honest, the only bands that comes to mind from this town are Crash Test Dummies and Personality Crisis, a bit of a mixed bag there then, so to now walk in the footsteps of this illustrious list of bands, DC are giving us a six track EP which follows their album Grim from back in 2020, and a blinder of a debut by the way (yes I went and did some real time research, I do that sometimes). I have to say that when you start an EP with a song that’s called ‘Storm’ and it features a bass led sound and a vocal that has Brody Dalle written all over it, your on to a huge 5 out ...