Ni’s amazing new single, “Zerkon,” is here! The most unclassifiable of Lyon, France quartets (including members of L’Effondras, Poil, and PinioL) is back. This new song anticipates the release of Fol Naïs, the band’s third album, to be released December 1st via Dur & Doux. Noise, metal, math rock, and free jazz collide in this exercise in impertinence. And there’s plenty of it in this opus, with each track named after the jesters of various historical royal figures. “Zerkon” is in typical Ni style. Melodic colours, with the use of a harmonic mode dear to the band. They play around with chromaticism, making the picture much darker. The bass ostinato, for example, comes to the fore during the sound improvisation that marks this track. As for rhythm, Ni takes malicious pleasure in l...