About two months ago, a few Devo posts popped up suggesting that the current string of Devo shows (not all of which have been announced) will be the band's final tour. More recently, Devo's Mark Mothersbaugh confirmed the same. But then, today, Booji Boy, the Devo mascot, issued a strange statement. He posted: "THIS IS ME, BOOJI BOY...ASKING YOU TO STOP REFERRING TO THESE 50TH ANNIVERSARY DEVO SHOW DATES AS OUR "FAREWELL TOUR". MARK, BOB1 & JERRY ARE ALL IN AGREEMENT TO THIS! WE MUST ALL MUTATE! DON'T STAGNATE, SPUDS! XOX, BOOJI BOY" Is this just some weird Devo art-piece? Is it Devo saying that they are ending touring but will continue is some fashion? Is it a statement that they are not stopping touring? We reached out to the band and will let you know.