Anyone lucky enough to have experienced a 2000trees festival will understand why it’s held in such high regard and firmly cemented as one of the finest ‘medium-sized’ festivals in the country. What better way to celebrate its 15th anniversary than by exhibiting the most stacked lineup to date? Oh, British summertime. One day, you’ll be soaking up a harsh sun, slow-roasting in your own juices and sitting at a pretty shade of lobster pink. The next, ferociously blinking away the spray and spittle of sideways rain, propelled by gale force gusts, trying not to slip over and eat shit in front of all your mates. There was no need for sun cream on the final day of 2000trees. Indeed, it rained and it poured. Tents flooded, fields turned to mud baths, and the festival goers all got a much-needed f...