DS Photo Gallery & Show Review: Nora Marks, Robot Heart Throb & James the Boneless (Liar’s Club – Chicago, IL 1/28/2023)

Shooting the show at Liar’s Club on January 28th posed another first for me in my Dying Scene adventure. I had no prior familiarity with any of the bands this time. The night was going to be a total surprise, what was I getting myself into? Why was James boneless? Who was throbbing the robot’s heart? What was Nora marked with? Or did Nora do the marking? And what would I do if all the bands sucked? Well, thankfully I didn’t have to answer that last one because none of the bands sucked. It was a fun show I was lucky to cover. First up, to start the night off right, was James the Boneless! There’s quite a backstory for James here. He went through a prolonged period of IV drug abuse, partially disintegrating his freaking bones. Yes his bones, yikes! Thankfully James cleaned up, but that accom...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon