🎫 TICKETS: https://www.epica.nl/tour 🎫 🤘 LISTEN: https://www.epica.nl/band/discography 🤘 💿 ORDER: https://geni.us/Epicamerch 💿 Epica returns to Scandinavia. Experience their 3 days in Oslo, Norway; Stockholm, Sweden; and Copenhagen, Denmark as... 1️⃣ Rob heads to Neseblod Records (formerly Helvete), famous for its role as headquarters for the early Norwegian black metal scene 🐼🤘 2️⃣ The band rehearses (then performs) "The Final Lullaby" with Jørgen Munkeby of Shining 🎸 3️⃣ Simone takes a selfie with Jørgen playing sax🎷 4️⃣ Coen ties to take over Isaac's post-show monologue😂 5️⃣ Simone practices her Swedish on Duolingo🦉 6...