Snapblades are the duo of Matt “Smell” Keely & Dan “Gottie” Gott (Snakerattlers / The Franceens), together they have decided to turn their backs on the modern world as much as they can and are releasing their debut EP, Cheap And Nasty, on vinyl, this is important to Snapblades. There will be no digital issue, they won’t have an online presence of any description, they do make a concession by letting us have advance physical copies, a rare thing in it’s own right, which means they won’t even upload their own EP! Even the pictures in this review are ones I had to take myself of the EP’s artwork. The packaging for this review CD of the Cheap & Nasty EP contains the legend “IN CASE OF TIKTOK ’N’ ROLL BREAK GLASS”, I have no idea what TikTok ’n’ roll is but it sounds like a terrib...