3 de jan. de 2020PETER AND THE TEST TUBE BABIES' brand new single 'FACEBOOK LOSER' off their new album »FUCTIFANO« (OUT NOW) GET HERE: https://PeterAndTheTestTubeBabies.lnk... SUBSCRIBE: http://nblast.de/ArisingYtSub GET THE SONG HERE: https://PeterAndTheTestTubeBabies.lnk... FOLLOW ARISING EMPIRE: LIKE: https://www.facebook.com/arisingempir...FOLLOW: https://www.instagram.com/arising_empireFOLLOW: https://twitter.com/arising_empireVISIT: http://www.arising-empire.com FOLLOW PETER AND THE TEST TUBE BABIES: VISIT: http://www.testtubebabies.co.uk/ LIKE: https://www.facebook.com/PeterAndTheT...FOLLOW: https://twitter.com/testtubes Lyrics: Facebook Loser Prolific Moronic Pathetic The flat is filthy When was it last cleaned? You can’t drag yourself Away from that screen You live on takeaways Yo...